Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quality Time - Manchild

I get quite-a-bit of ribbing referring to my youngest son as "manchild." I certainly do not mean any disrespect but find the title quite fitting even if I did copy it from a friend (John) in Florida. This is one of the songs from Fleet Foxes that we will sing together on our way home. Just a bit of bonding I guess you could say.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I love my kids. Really, when I think about it and contemplate life and what that life might look like without them it just becomes depressing. Today I read in USA Today that "Parents, Kids Today More Harmony Than Prior Generations." They suggest and offer a myriad of data to support the claim that parents and their kids today are getting along better that those of the 1960's and 70's. Though I have never, not got along with my parents I do not know if that is the normal. In the 70's (now this is in retrospect from my perspective) the black-and-white look at social issues, religion, theology, education, etc..... was prominent. Today the "grey or gray" of life is significant. When I have discussions with my son (Dexter-turning 24 this month) it is not uncommon for us to agree of some particular social issue but I also know that my viewpoint has changed on that particular social issue from my "growing up years." I have observed parents (in their 70's) discussing issues with kids (in their 40's) and there is some common ground but not much. Learning, discovering, discerning and yes changing can be good and a healthy examination of ourselves can go along way to strengthening the bond between kids and their parents. Even if you do agree - the willingness to think about it makes a strong statement.