Monday, April 27, 2009

Sigur Rós and Memories

Jill has started a new job and needed to spend a week in Dallas for orientation and I got to go up on Thursday spend the evening and we were together on Friday/Saturday. We also spent some time with Erica and Dexter and one of the coolest things is how conversations with 21 & 22 year-old children is vastly different from when they were in Jr. & Sr. High. I can often just almost get misty-eyed thinking and pondering how time passes and great seasons of life are now history. One doesn't always know the greatness of a moment when one is experiencing the moment but retrospect always put these "moments" into perspective.

Well, Dexter just placed a link to this Sigur Ros YouTUBE on his facebook status. I do not speak the language but the 9 minute piece is certainly worth a listen. I had to turn my volume way up to get all of the subtleties of this work - but it is good, very good! Enjoy!

Sigur Rós are an Icelandic post-rock band with melodic, classical, and minimalist elements. The band is known for its ethereal sound and lead singer Jónsi Birgisson's falsetto voice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Thinking GREEN today

April 22nd is "Earth Day" and I was reminded of this by John - who is Mr. vegetarian, socially conscious in Louisiana no less and just a generally good guy. On Facebook he referenced the "Green Bible" and found this to be very helpful as I ponder these thoughts.

Our Teaching and Student Pastor, Tim Stary - is getting married in a couple of weeks and their wedding invitations were printed on wood. Yes, you read this correctly - wood. Now I am not for sure if this is a good "green" thing or bad "green" thing. The invitation looks very, very cool (from my perspective) but my pondering is about to give me a headache.

This morning when I arrived at the office I opted to water some of our flower beds here on the grounds of the church. Over the past several weeks many volunteers put in new beds that need some individual attention and I find the "watering" stuff to be very therapeutic. Now, does this make me "green" or wasteful? There is that headache thing going again.

I am working so hard at keeping healthy files on our computer. Now, as we are preparing to update our information systems is this being green or generating unnecessary electronic equipment that will one day clog up landfills and harm the environment.

I dropped off some keys at a local Toyota dealership this morning and as I drove into the dealership in my 2003 SUV that is paid for and still running in a good healthy manner I began to look at one of those "Prius" hybrid cars. Would it be best for me to turn in my paid-for-SUV and get one of these vehicles?

How do I get myself into something of this nature on a Monday? Here are some scripture passages from the "Green Bible." Enjoy!

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live... you shall not defile the land in which you live, in which I also dwell." Numbers 35:33-34
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being." Job 12:7-10

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Man-Child and Learning

Dylon (man-child) as he is affectionately known in my Facebook and Twitter post is 17 and still not driving. It is not that he does not want to drive, he has just not been willing to put the necessary effort into preparation for the driving test that is needed to past the written test. He hates testing and specifically anything that requires studying. He is fortunate to be a strong "tester" on achievement etc....types of test but he is motivationally challenged in this area. Anyhoo - one of my joys (most of the time) is the task of taking him here, there and just about everywhere as the family taxi driver. One of the joys I get during these soon o-too-be-so-short moments is him introducing me to new and diverse music. This particular number may not be new to you - but I just love it. Jack Johnson - I am a bit amazed that though he likes music that is just too "busy" and "loud" for my taste some of his favorite stuff is just like this. Listen a moment then read on:

Now, here is some philosophizing (or something like that.) What and how we learn from new generations is really significant. Currently at our church, family of faith, christian community (however you want to describe it) we are a fairly young congregation. You can also say that our 40 and younger crowd far out-numbers the 40+ crowd. (I am a member of the later.) We are facing issues like: "What does a Senior Pastor's position look like?" - "How does the position of Elders work and lead a church family?" - "When does the congregation absolutely need to have a final say in decision making?". These are not divisive issues, they are "learning" and "discerning" issues of polity and policy. I have been so please at this "younger" generation within our family stepping up and growing and helping to teach others. As our church family continues to grow and we see and experience new ways of helping and ministering within and outside our family it is just kinda cool to learn something from a "kid." I really never know enough!