Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Things!

Well, I got up this morning tired and that is never a healthy way to start your morning. But, I took my vitamins and allergy pills, got a shower then listen to some scripture on the way into town and am feeling so much better. I started pondering the good things in my life, wonderful wife, great kids, super church with a great community of friends. Then after a quick peek at my email I received an email of encouragement from a friend of 25+ years ago. Go figure - FACEBOOK strikes again. I know I'm getting older but I am truly amazed at this online community thing. I have also lost 21 pounds - that has to make me feel better, only 74 to go and I am at the world's ideal weight for me. I'm giggling now so I'll leave you with that!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

iPhone how and why?

I will admit I am crazy busy and am in a period where it will not end for at least several weeks. So I find myself having to "suck it up" and move forward trying to get "stuff" accomplished. But my iPhone, which I love has decided to not accept voice mails which means I either have to answer EVERY phone call or, heaven forbid, call every one back. As I was leaving the office today for my 7th meeting in less than two days I realized that I did not have my phone and turn the vehicle around, ran into the office and thought to myself (out loud) and asked how we (the American people) became attached to our cell phones like they were the index finger of our dominant hand!?! Our ministry assistant agreed with the verbal outburst!

Well - I got to get going, that forging ahead thing, but I'll leave you with this inspirational thought as I listen to a jazz clarinet (from my iPhone) play "Just a closer Walk" - Are you ready, here it is: "This too, shall pass!"

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Jungle Book - minus Salsa!

Well, I have not blogged in a several days but I did get past the Salsa Festival and then our special "Throwback" service at church. People responded beautifully to this eclectic grouping of old hymns, praise and worship music and testimonies of people investing in their spiritual lives and reaping beautiful rewards from the investment. Now - our children's musical - The Jungle Book. I am so fortunate to have a tremendous team working on this project. We have about 30 kids and 40 parents and associates helping with this production. And, as I think about it - they have all devoted hours upon hours during the summer months to see this to fruition.

Ya know, I love investing time in my kids and I can honestly say that I am the better for it. In a few years we'll see what my kids think about this "investment" on my part.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Something Simple

We are having what we have affectionately called a "Throwback Service - Kicking It Old School" service this week at church. We have provided those who want an opportunity to tell us about songs/scriptures that have been powerful to them over the years and we are developing a service around this component. I have been amazed at some of the variety of "old school" stuff that has been presented. Dylon said to me "are we going to get to hear some old Stephen Curtis Chapman stuff?" I kinda had to rethink a bit to get to where we are getting on this service. It has been fascinating to read scriptures that have played significant roles in the people's lives and why they have made this impact. I have not got to the last song of the service yet but I will say this - this video I have linked of Jeff Deyo leading "Bless The Lord" (not an old-school song" helps me to focus on the Christian life in worship though simple and maybe a bit redundant for some - well, it just works for me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

24 Years

On Sunday, Jill and I celebrated our 24th anniversary and yes we went to church, had lunch with friends (my mom's Sunday lunch was not available due to their little trip to Colorado) and last night we went to see Mama Mia. I had not seen the Broadway Show and so my expectations were minimal but over all it was ok - other than hearing Pierce Brosnan sing, that was just disturbing. But, I digress this is not a blog about Mama...or Pierce it is about my beautiful wife. She has grown more beautiful over the years and I am still amazed that she puts up with me, at least most of the time. Jill loves her kids and has been a great mom and works hard on our home and to help pay for it! What more can a man ask? She rarely, if ever reads this blog so I posted a recent pic of her - just to help prove my point! I love her and look forward to 25+ years ahead.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Well, this is a new group to me (no need to tell me how "out of touch" I may be) and Erica expressed to Dylon that she wanted to take him to a Coldplay concert. So, being the nosey father I am I found some music and video and wow, I really like them. From what I can tell I like their newer stuff a little better than some of the older stuff. Well, Tim (one of the pastor's here at Southside) just came in a chided me about not knowing this group. Oh, well I'll always say, "I never know enough." Tim did say that the lead singer grew up in Christian circles. Good stuff!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thinking Out Loud Here

I was reading a blog from my friend Jeff at (link to the right here) and he has articulated some thoughts I have struggled with for years. Why is it so easy for us to point out the "faults" we find in others. At times it just becomes second nature to some people to begin railing, dissecting and literally condemning individuals/groups/segments/etc. etc...... In my devotion time this morning there was a quote from an unknown source: "The gospel is like a lion. It doesn't need to be protected, it needs to be turned loose." - What does this mean, at what level can we apply this thought?

Having discovered Facebook - (my daughter has accused me now of cyber-stalking) and am finding friends from long ago, reconnecting in ways I would never have dreamed. But, at the same time is has taking me back to a period of my life when I discerned scripture and spirituality different than today. This has to be expected in a growing, maturing Christian walk - but still the revisit can really make one think!

My schedule is full - I either have to buckle down and git-er-done or throw up the hands. I'll try the buckle-down thing first. I'll let you know how this works out!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Time - Family - Friends

Well I have discovered a new love this week - Facebook! I know that I am often slow to the table (though my mid-section doesn't necessarily show this) but this connection with friends, family and people from the past is just amazing. I have found myself more-than-once spending over an hour at a time viewing friends pictures, reading their blogs seeing their families/friends sometimes after not talking with them for years and years. I now get what reporters talk about when they speak of this "connection" through the WWW.

Tomorrow Erica will be speaking at her church. It is a youth day and as a church they are taking a moment to hear from, pray for and be fed by the youth ministry of their church. I have always been proud of my little girl - but there is this extra little lump in the throat today.

Time - where has it gone? My blogging has been sporadic (you have read some of the reason) and I hope next week sees some release of the time sensitive pressures that have existed this week. Maybe after Wednesday, oops - that is half of next week. I need to get to some yard work.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Too much stuff!

Well, I am back and working on not being overwhelmed. I am co-directing an "Arts In The Park" event in our fair city. This is a great opportunity for kids from 3 different neighborhoods of varying socioeconomic status to get some quality music, visual arts, theatre and dance instruction. I am so grateful to our local Arts Council for funding this project. Anyway - it is taking several hours a day on top of a standard, get-back-from-vacation filled desk. This Sunday evening at church we are having a leadership appreciation dinner and time of inspiration for the coming year. Just some additional preparation needed. I have uploaded some pics of our trip to Houston. Enjoy, at whatever level!?!

Here is a quote today from my daily Bible reading today:

Love more persons more--love them more impersonally, more unselfishly, without thought of return. The return, never fear, will take care of itself.
-Henry Drummond

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm Back

Well, my dreams of posting while away just need to be put to bed. It did not happen and I am back home, rested and so appreciative for the chance to be away from the daily "stuff" and spend time with Dylon and Jill. Dylon and I spent the day on Wednesday at NASA, how so very interesting. I wish we had taken the opportunity to have our kids to see this place when they were itty-bitty. It was just inspirational.
We headed back to Brownwood on Thursday (Dylon wanted to work - go figure) and Jill and me were able to head to Dallas on Thursday - late afternoon. We had a great hotel and enjoyed our time together. At least half of our time was spent with Erica and Dexter and we always enjoy those times. We never rushed for anything which is so very unusual for me and my phone only rang one time with Brownwood stuff. Just odd.
Today we had the privilege to be guests at Erica's church. The pastor spoke on taking a vacation from being judgemental. I had never heard this perspective and it was good. I'll blog about this in the future - but certainly a refreshing twists while remaining very contextual and biblical. Pictures will come later and I look forward to work tomorrow - how often can you say that in the middle of the summer!?!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Road Trip Day 2

We started out a little slow, but on trips like this - does is really matter? Our hotel is directly beside a "Buck Fee" usually known as a Starbuck Coffee. As Dylon slept in I took a moment(s) to just continue trying to decompress - not an easy trait for me. I am seeing this as a more and more important component as time passes. ON with the trip - we were up and out of the hotel by 10:30 and off to get some sun screen (something not used by my body in several years +) and some water for the beach. With a quick trip through the Jack In The Box (we always select places to eat that do not exist in Brownwood) and being very proud of myself for selecting the fajita pita (12 grams fat with a whole-wheat pita and fresh veggies) we headed south to the Gulf. The late morning-afternoon was great. Watching the birds dive into the ocean, Dylon building sand-castles and just sitting and thinking and for a period of time sleeping. My body feels the places that were missed with the 50 SPF - part of my need to get back into yoga! We got back to the hotel around 6:00 freshened up and headed to The Main Event. This place is huge and with the Michael Jackson, Cher and yes some hot little mid-70's Disco videos screaming over the black-light drench bowling alley complete with computer screens for scoring purposes it was an enjoyable evening. We also got to play some of Jill's favorite game "skee ball." I have pictures but some issues with this computer is prohibiting their posting.

Because of the nature of this trip and timing I chose today to do a word search on "rest" during my Bible time and Matthew 11: popped up along with this reading for me 28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." I do not believe that I am "worn" or "burned-out" on religion - but the entire chapter was interesting and at the very least so applicable to so much within my realm of influence. If you have a chance I would love some feedback on this chapter.

Road Trip

Every year (at least for the last 4) Dylon and I have taken a "road trip" for lack of a better phrase to get away as father and son, not spend too much money and just, well - chill. We are on this journey now. We have settled on Houston and that area as our destination this year and we will shorten the trip due to Dylon's job and the economy. On the way here yesterday it was tough to just get out of town and the previous day's job calling had me at church from 7AM until 9PM (with about hour and half at home for lunch.) Today we will head to Galveston and the beach (please do not try to visualize anything here - just disturbing) and maybe see some sights. I'll try to blog tonight about this (without the beach photos!)
I have always loved these time with Dylon and wish I had had the ability to do this with my other two.