Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm Back

Well, my dreams of posting while away just need to be put to bed. It did not happen and I am back home, rested and so appreciative for the chance to be away from the daily "stuff" and spend time with Dylon and Jill. Dylon and I spent the day on Wednesday at NASA, how so very interesting. I wish we had taken the opportunity to have our kids to see this place when they were itty-bitty. It was just inspirational.
We headed back to Brownwood on Thursday (Dylon wanted to work - go figure) and Jill and me were able to head to Dallas on Thursday - late afternoon. We had a great hotel and enjoyed our time together. At least half of our time was spent with Erica and Dexter and we always enjoy those times. We never rushed for anything which is so very unusual for me and my phone only rang one time with Brownwood stuff. Just odd.
Today we had the privilege to be guests at Erica's church. The pastor spoke on taking a vacation from being judgemental. I had never heard this perspective and it was good. I'll blog about this in the future - but certainly a refreshing twists while remaining very contextual and biblical. Pictures will come later and I look forward to work tomorrow - how often can you say that in the middle of the summer!?!

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