Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Things!

Well, I got up this morning tired and that is never a healthy way to start your morning. But, I took my vitamins and allergy pills, got a shower then listen to some scripture on the way into town and am feeling so much better. I started pondering the good things in my life, wonderful wife, great kids, super church with a great community of friends. Then after a quick peek at my email I received an email of encouragement from a friend of 25+ years ago. Go figure - FACEBOOK strikes again. I know I'm getting older but I am truly amazed at this online community thing. I have also lost 21 pounds - that has to make me feel better, only 74 to go and I am at the world's ideal weight for me. I'm giggling now so I'll leave you with that!


Anonymous said...

You've lost 21 pounds WHILE eating at Gomez's? Good to know your cyber-stalking has paid off! Keep those updates flowing!

Lisa said...

This post made me just wanna tell you I love you. :o)

Kiss my cousin for me.