Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Down Time & Personalities

Yes, I realize how long it has been! I will not make this post a small book, promise. Here is a short synopsis of the past four months.
  • At church we are still short a full-time staff pastor. Though close to 20 part-time staffers are helping and "filling in" where needed stuff still falls upon the remaining two full-time pastors.
  • I joined and completed a "Quest-12" event to lose weight and begin the journey to get healthy. During this portion of the journey I became friends with some amazing people, lost over 25 pounds and at least have a knowledge of what I need to do to continue my journey.
  • Got to learn and begin acknowledging that Apple should have a place in this world.
  • Watched my youngest son complete his last fall semester of High School. This is going to be a tough spring as he is a busy young man and I am loving being a part of his life.
  • Watched my daughter graduate from the University of North Texas. This was very tough and deserves me penning some thoughts, but I will try to pull myself together and get to this at a later point.
  • Had the opportunity and am currently experiencing some down time in Estes Park, Colorado with our family and in laws.
Now that last bullet leads to my "title" for this post. I love my in laws and really appreciate them shouldering most of the cost while we are here in this beautiful condo. Over the past few years when we have journeyed this far from Texas we usually fly. When Jill and I started adding up cost and the "Holiday Season" expenses we felt it best to rent a large SUV and just have some great bonding time with our kids for the trip. The large SUV didn't work out (due to an amazingly irritating lack of responsibility on the part of the rental agency) and we made the journey in a "cross-over" vehicle which just made the bonding moments closer and more intimate.

Our family tends to be rather gregarious and though you may find this hard to believe, when I am with the family as a group - I am the quiet one. Times like these really get one to reflect upon all of your life's components. You know; how you raised the kids - are they respectful, do they have manners, are they selfish, when does their level of patience become unhealthy and most of all, can we as a family survive the close confines of a hybrid vehicle for 18 hours (one way)???? We are averaging about 85% but still have the drive home. So, we are a good solid "B" and I am ok with that percentage.

With the oldest (Dexter) now 23 and Erica (turned 21 today) out time apart is relatively extensive. So we get to catch up on their life and likes. Christmas Eve after they finished their services (Dexter had one as late at midnight) they drove through ice and snow to surprise us Christmas morning. During their scary journey - to help stay awake they recorded themselves singing to some Karaoke. Upon listening to these tidbits (which also happen to take place in the barren land of the Texas Panhandle) we laughed until we cried. As a snack for our journey Dylon had purchased some squeeze cheese in which he drew caricatures with the cheese on crackers. Though a bit disturbing as he named each one of them, Dexter took pictures for posterity sake. We heard music that they thrive on and listen to regularly and found ourselves just a little shocked that they literally have thousands of songs on the iPod and/or Zune. Jill laughed her contagious laugh and we basically hooped and hollered for hundreds of miles.

We made it to Estes Park and are enjoying the time. Dexter works in ministry, Erica works in ministry - Jill works very hard and I do what I do. (I realize that previous sentence was horribly structured.) Getting up without a set time rush, exercising without pressure, eating with family each and every meal, sitting and talking, taking little jaunts to see God's creation of the Rockies is relaxing and refreshing. Once again I need to acknowledge that I am a blessed man and relish in all that He has done in my life. May the God of my blessings manifest Himself to you in fresh ways in 2010!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Exercise and Spirituality

Well today I did something I thought I would never do - entered and completed a 5K. Now, less anyone think I was like a swan flying over the earth - this was not pretty by any one's standard. There was a bit of bribery here because if you entered the event and completed the race you were awarded 30 points for your team in the Quest 12 Challenge. Krista and John knew and know a bit how this peer-pressure works and use it especially in situations that would never be considered (i.e. a 5K "Goat Gallup" run early on a holiday weekend in Brady, Texas!) One should see the varying outfits people will done in public at the races. Very short 1980's-styled shorts were normal and one fella had a shirt obviously too small that came just above his belly-button (and don't forget the low-rider short-shorts) which was just uncomfortable and I desperately wanted to encouraged the "pull down your shirt please" thoughts in my head. Dylon was also running with me and we were in total agreement on this issue. I was anxious (probably and understatement) as thoughts ran through my head, you know; "what are other people going to be thinking with such an out-of-shape guy in this race," "this green shirt really does not highlight the good-points of my figure, " "what if I am the last one across the finish line," "how many people will it take to lift me up into the ambulance," and so on...... We stretched as a group (a comic-moment all by itself) and walked to the starting point. The gun fired and we were off----------20 seconds later I said "the running-trotting or galloping will have to cease" and I began to walk in a brisk pace just as if I were entering Wal*Mart and desperately wanted to get out as quickly as possible. The 20 minutes of running or (you get the drift) put my breathing into a asthmatic-sounding gasping for air. This too subsided as people jogged by me and continued their trek to stardom. There were about 10 of us in the "back-pack" group. I chose to keep that brisk Wal*Mart stride up while most others chose to jog a little the walk. One of the most painful components of this trip were my man-breast (sorry if that offends anyone) and my need for the Seinfeld-"Bro". Enough said about that! The highlight of the entire day was when I saw Dylon (just after I passed the 3K marker) walking back to me after he had already completed the race. Our little posse yelled: "Eric look - manchild (a reference name I use for Dylon on Facebook) is coming to walk with you!" This was such a proud daddy-moment for me. As we passed through the local neighborhood's of Brady, Texas people had chosen to get their favorite lawn chair, sit outside on the cool damp Saturday morning and watch people run in the Goat Gallup. Here I was almost at the end and knowing I could make it just when was I going to hit the "jog" again and finish big??? Dylon, by my side said "start it whenever you are ready dad" and there I went. Going past the finish line, hearing them scream out my time (which I swore was 70 minutes) I honesty thought that I would collapse on the pavement in front of Brady High School's Bulldog football stadium (memories of marching contest from the early 80's again) and need that ambulance. Alas, it was only hugs and cheers and congratulations everyone for accomplishing such a task.

Now I know there this has gone on long enough - but give me a moment here. Here are some thoughts that I am taking away from this event:
  • To challenge yourself to get healthy is not just a physical event - it is also spiritual.
  • I honestly believe that God provides some people with the spiritual gift of "encouragement" (no doctrinal post on this please) and within our group Krista, John and Jill (Underwood) have this gift among others.
  • Your mind goes many places during events of this nature and mine went to my spiritual life and my wife Jill.
  • All of my kids are wonderful - today my youngest manchild manifested that "wonderfulness" in sharing that crossing with me. A true blessing!

This journey is needed and possible for me - I'm so glad I have determined to do it!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Biggest Loser Brownwood - Quest 12

Well, the best laid plans.............. My intents were to get back to blogging and the release that I tend to experience when I post here. I just read of Donna's new journey in a foreign land and had to admit to her and to any that may still read this that I am a bit jealous. I too am on a much needed journey but alas an island off the coast or Europe is not currently on the map. After several years of allowing my time and energy to be consumed by work and "stuff", I am going to get back into shape. I am admitting publicly that it has gotten out of hand and I need to get on this journey to a healthier me for myself, my family and my faith. I have joined a group from a local gym here (Fit By Faith - if you link to this be prepared to wait a moment for it to load as there is an audio testimony by it's founder) that has launched into it's second Quest 12 Challenge. (I affectionately call it "Biggest Loser Brownwood") There are 40 of us divided into four teams with each team having a trainer. We must track every piece of food that enters our mouth as well as weekly/daily exercise etc... There is a great deal of accountability and though I am not necessarily into the "cheering" that is a part of this - I am confident it will be exceptionally productive for me. I am also fortunate that my youngest, Dylon will also be joining me and he is fairly excited too. He does not need to lose the weight, but the "toning" should be good for his dating life. Jill is also attending to her health though she is not interested in everyone being up in her "kool-aid" and will be much more private about her journey.

Now, with that being said and having just consumed an apple - I am off to my first Tae-Bo class every then back to the church for a worship rehearsal and couple of meetings. My simple yet challenging goal is to lose my first 50 pounds by Christmas. This should help on our Libby Family Colorado Christmas trip!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quality Time - Manchild

I get quite-a-bit of ribbing referring to my youngest son as "manchild." I certainly do not mean any disrespect but find the title quite fitting even if I did copy it from a friend (John) in Florida. This is one of the songs from Fleet Foxes that we will sing together on our way home. Just a bit of bonding I guess you could say.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I love my kids. Really, when I think about it and contemplate life and what that life might look like without them it just becomes depressing. Today I read in USA Today that "Parents, Kids Today More Harmony Than Prior Generations." They suggest and offer a myriad of data to support the claim that parents and their kids today are getting along better that those of the 1960's and 70's. Though I have never, not got along with my parents I do not know if that is the normal. In the 70's (now this is in retrospect from my perspective) the black-and-white look at social issues, religion, theology, education, etc..... was prominent. Today the "grey or gray" of life is significant. When I have discussions with my son (Dexter-turning 24 this month) it is not uncommon for us to agree of some particular social issue but I also know that my viewpoint has changed on that particular social issue from my "growing up years." I have observed parents (in their 70's) discussing issues with kids (in their 40's) and there is some common ground but not much. Learning, discovering, discerning and yes changing can be good and a healthy examination of ourselves can go along way to strengthening the bond between kids and their parents. Even if you do agree - the willingness to think about it makes a strong statement.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marriage - 25 Years!

25 years ago today I remember staying at a close friends house, Michael Dove in the last week of preparations for mine and Jill's wedding. I remember going to see the movie "Ghost Busters" as well as traveling back and forth from Winfield, Kansas to Whitewater, Kansas passing by an Air Force Base and seeing fields of corn while thinking about what guys would be thinking about during the drive. I remember planning a day for the guys at the water park, including the pastor of the ceremonies that I would later regret as everyone but myself had never removed their shirts in public (we were very good, modest Baptist) and ended up red as a fire truck during the wedding ceremony.

As I type these words I just think of how blessed I am to have had a beautiful, supportive wife of 25 years. This previous statement should not lead you to think that our lives together have been rosey and "smooth." Jill and I both have type "A" personalities which can lead to colorful and vibrant conversation at times. We were both raised in conservative families but there is enough differences in our "history" to really test our togetherness related to parenting at times. We have three great kids that are all healthy and stable irregardless of our parenting skills. I know that I do not think as I thought and my take on life and love have grown and matures over the past 25 years, but she still loves me. I do not look the same and can be a pain to tolerate at times, yet she still loves me.

We are going to go on a little trip for our 25th anniversary which will technically be our first significant trip together with just us. We still have one in college that continues to have vehicle issues and one in High School that still has (well, we'll just avoid this thread of conversation.) So, money can still be tight, maybe not as tight as the diaper, formula years - but you get my jest. I am so looking forward to this time together. Just know this, the journey is worth it! How's that for philosophizing?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nothing Profound Here - Just Thoughts

Two of my favorite bloggers Donna and Lisa both titled recent pennings with the same phrase so I just ripped-off of them. After my last little bit thought I might just need to think a bit.

  • All of the celebrity deaths recently should get some people thinking. It has got me thinking about my age, people from the past, times long ago. I am finding myself in a bit of "where and how do I spend my days" contemplation. Jill and I will have been married 25 years in 23 days. I find myself thinking of Michael, Shelly & Vince, Eddie, Joel, Shawn and the list could go on and on - but the bigger question for me - why?

  • The weather - I realize we live in Texas but dang it is HOT! Once again I believe my age to be showing a bit, but I don't remember such heat and uncomfortableness. Now I am dreaming of rain and winter and 80 degree days.

  • Airplane crashes - it does seem as though Air Bus has some issues. I would hate to be their Public Relations Director right now.

  • My desk - filled with three old drinks from various fast-food outlets and 4 2/3's empty water bottles and a slew (how much is a "slew?) of pieces of paper that need some form of attention. (OK - just threw-away the drinks.)

  • Teenagers from all across our city just helped paint, put new siding up and simply help to clean up over-grown yards for people in our city. Doesn't this just sound like a great project to be a part of within a community.

  • July 4th is upon us - when I really think about it, we are very fortunate in America to have the freedoms we have. I am not scared, worried or distraught over decisions that are being made, even though I don't like all of them - we have the freedom to "rethink" our choices in 4 years and if I disagree with the vote I probably will not be shot for it!

  • Did I mention how hot it is in Texas?

Well - my mind is now blank and though I am having serious work motivational issues this afternoon, the need to accomplish some tasks are significant.

Happy 4th of July!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Bible - Authentic Interpretation

I don't know how much trouble I may get into for this post, well ---trouble may not be the word but I am fairly confident I will get some good talkin' toos. I do not mind admitting that I am a fan of Rob Bell, you know from Mars' Hill. I love the way he communicates, seeming to be thinking through his thoughts yet delivering them at the same time. A friend and fellow blogger - Donna has much of the same gift. Right now every other post of hers (this is an exaggeration that comes from a bit of jealousy) is about her upcoming move to Europe yet the words are very provoking and can really make one think. Thus is how it is with me and Rob.

Our church family is in the process of updating its bylaws. I have been in several congregations that have needed to tackle this issue. Basically bringing our polity and process up-to-date with operations. At the same time we will get to tackle, discuss, discern and probably discover spiritual truths that tend to be more important to our day-to-day lives now more so than in 1984. We are not a congregation of heavy drinking-bar hopping, night-life people but I am sure that we will have a word or two on the usage and appropriate levels of alcohol. Another topic will be women and how God intended their role in the church to be as the Bible states. (This is where Rob comes in for me.) Now, I am not about to debate the qualifications of leadership within the church specifically related to gender roles on this blog. It would neither be appropriate nor redemptive. I do however want to quote from Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis" and from page 46 "In order to live it out and not just talk about it, someone somewhere has to make decisions about this verse. Someone has to decide what it actually looks like to put flesh and blood on this command. And that's because the Bible is open-ended. It has be be interpreted. And if it isn't interpreted, then it can't be put into action. So if we are serious about following God, then we have to interpret the Bible. It is not possible to simple do what the Bible says. We must first make decisions about what it means at this time, in this place, for these people."
Now that makes me think and in my slightly pious thoughts-should make you think. Well, enough of that! Thoughts and------please be gentle!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Social Conscience - Patriotism & Worship

Today I found myself in a bit of a debate via Facebook on the issue of Patriotism and Worship. It was not mean-spirited and if you know me at all you know that I love dialogue. And now, the discussion has prompted a blog post on Memorial Day. I am an adamant pro-separation of patriotism and worship. This is not to say that I don't recognize much (if not all) our freedom to worship: When, Where, How & Whom is based upon some one's willingness to put themselves in harm's way and many to actually die for that freedom. I will often take the moments of days like yesterday's "Armed Forces Sunday" - to recognize men & women dieing for this freedom with that of Jesus and His death for our freedom in Christ.

What today brings me is how my age, experience and spirituality continue to bring me a new awareness of social issues within our society. Growing up in a town like Brownwood we often found ourselves sheltered from the "issues" of the day. This, coupled with Adam Lambert - his rendition of "Mad World", an iTunes download Bruce Hornesby's "The Way It Is" and Peter, Paul & Mary's "Don't Laugh At Me" gets me to thinking. How often do we just let the social conscience of the day dictate our perspective (whether "for" or "against")? I remember all of these songs yet I don't remember the "social conscience" of them. They are all from different periods of my short 46 years of life and granted the Peter, Paul & Mary was very early in my physical development but still - how did I miss all of this.

Well, I am glad that I am growing and though my ignorance will still bubble to the top and fall from my lips I am so glad that my awareness of social issues continues to grow. Here are some YouTube clips of the music. Enjoy or maybe go "what is he thinking?"

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Quickie!

It has been awhile and one of my favorite cousin-in-laws had one of my favorite verses at the bottom of an email to me today. It is well worthy sharing!!!
"Are you tired? Wornout? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sigur Rós and Memories

Jill has started a new job and needed to spend a week in Dallas for orientation and I got to go up on Thursday spend the evening and we were together on Friday/Saturday. We also spent some time with Erica and Dexter and one of the coolest things is how conversations with 21 & 22 year-old children is vastly different from when they were in Jr. & Sr. High. I can often just almost get misty-eyed thinking and pondering how time passes and great seasons of life are now history. One doesn't always know the greatness of a moment when one is experiencing the moment but retrospect always put these "moments" into perspective.

Well, Dexter just placed a link to this Sigur Ros YouTUBE on his facebook status. I do not speak the language but the 9 minute piece is certainly worth a listen. I had to turn my volume way up to get all of the subtleties of this work - but it is good, very good! Enjoy!

Sigur Rós are an Icelandic post-rock band with melodic, classical, and minimalist elements. The band is known for its ethereal sound and lead singer Jónsi Birgisson's falsetto voice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Thinking GREEN today

April 22nd is "Earth Day" and I was reminded of this by John - who is Mr. vegetarian, socially conscious in Louisiana no less and just a generally good guy. On Facebook he referenced the "Green Bible" and found this to be very helpful as I ponder these thoughts.

Our Teaching and Student Pastor, Tim Stary - is getting married in a couple of weeks and their wedding invitations were printed on wood. Yes, you read this correctly - wood. Now I am not for sure if this is a good "green" thing or bad "green" thing. The invitation looks very, very cool (from my perspective) but my pondering is about to give me a headache.

This morning when I arrived at the office I opted to water some of our flower beds here on the grounds of the church. Over the past several weeks many volunteers put in new beds that need some individual attention and I find the "watering" stuff to be very therapeutic. Now, does this make me "green" or wasteful? There is that headache thing going again.

I am working so hard at keeping healthy files on our computer. Now, as we are preparing to update our information systems is this being green or generating unnecessary electronic equipment that will one day clog up landfills and harm the environment.

I dropped off some keys at a local Toyota dealership this morning and as I drove into the dealership in my 2003 SUV that is paid for and still running in a good healthy manner I began to look at one of those "Prius" hybrid cars. Would it be best for me to turn in my paid-for-SUV and get one of these vehicles?

How do I get myself into something of this nature on a Monday? Here are some scripture passages from the "Green Bible." Enjoy!

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live... you shall not defile the land in which you live, in which I also dwell." Numbers 35:33-34
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being." Job 12:7-10

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Man-Child and Learning

Dylon (man-child) as he is affectionately known in my Facebook and Twitter post is 17 and still not driving. It is not that he does not want to drive, he has just not been willing to put the necessary effort into preparation for the driving test that is needed to past the written test. He hates testing and specifically anything that requires studying. He is fortunate to be a strong "tester" on achievement etc....types of test but he is motivationally challenged in this area. Anyhoo - one of my joys (most of the time) is the task of taking him here, there and just about everywhere as the family taxi driver. One of the joys I get during these soon o-too-be-so-short moments is him introducing me to new and diverse music. This particular number may not be new to you - but I just love it. Jack Johnson - I am a bit amazed that though he likes music that is just too "busy" and "loud" for my taste some of his favorite stuff is just like this. Listen a moment then read on:

Now, here is some philosophizing (or something like that.) What and how we learn from new generations is really significant. Currently at our church, family of faith, christian community (however you want to describe it) we are a fairly young congregation. You can also say that our 40 and younger crowd far out-numbers the 40+ crowd. (I am a member of the later.) We are facing issues like: "What does a Senior Pastor's position look like?" - "How does the position of Elders work and lead a church family?" - "When does the congregation absolutely need to have a final say in decision making?". These are not divisive issues, they are "learning" and "discerning" issues of polity and policy. I have been so please at this "younger" generation within our family stepping up and growing and helping to teach others. As our church family continues to grow and we see and experience new ways of helping and ministering within and outside our family it is just kinda cool to learn something from a "kid." I really never know enough!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mondays - on Tuesday

Here I am at 7:00 AM on a Tuesday sensing that I need to start my week over and wishing it were Monday. (Thus the video in the post!) We had an incredible day at church yesterday. It has always been a tough for me to elevate one particular worship time over another because when I really ponder what each service brings to the seeker and Christ-follower, how one service impresses an individual may be completely different to another. Yesterday we hosted numbers that are usually reserved for Easter & Christmas. During the worship time one of our Teaching Pastors - Tim Stary, spoke from the Book of Mark. To make a short sermon even shorter - he simply spoke to how the "big" miracle in our lives as Christ-followers is simply the living of our life that shows Christ as God/Savior. Then some exceptionally brave people from our church family wrote a simple statement on a piece of cardboard of their life and how the spiritual journey with Christ has manifested itself. This was simple - not unique, but a first for us at Southside. People had an opportunity to experience the awe and wonder of lives that have been transformed and be encouraged to live a life of purpose and discovery.

Now, here is my Monday - a constant stream of phone calls, emails and personal visits from people expressing their appreciation for the worship time on Sunday. Probably one of the least - and yet most productive days I have ever experienced. I realize that I may sound a bit dramatic but literally all day long people were speaking of worship and what it was to them. Though I was only 1 of a team of no-less than 25 people - I was the recipient of such great encouragement and appreciation.

Well, I still have an immense amount of work to accomplish and need to get 16 hours of work completed on a Tuesday. There is a blessing there - I know it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Weepies - Life

It has been such a long time - I will work hard in this post to not lament my schedule. I will admit right up front (and have before in post) that I love to invest time & energy into my wife, kids , church and worthwhile community organizations. I am now to "step 1" in the 12 step process and am admitting that my "energy" is limited especially when it comes to actually being productive in that investment of time. Last night I rolled-off as president of our local downtown organization. During the meeting I had to acknowledge at some level that this past year of my life with all of its dynamics simply resulted in a less-than-desirable tenure as president. We (oops! I need to say "I") often want to rationalize the outcome in relationship to our (my) output and at times I had to catch myself in that rationalization.
Now as I review my work and ministry at church I have to walk that same careful line and manage my time and energy in productive, positive ways. I am so fortunate to be a part of a family of faith that wants to serve and be Christ-followers. Over the past couple of months we have been blessed to see spiritual people in our family of faith willing to minister, lead, serve just very inspirational. I just have to do my part and as Paul encourages "to the best of my ability."
So, now with step 1 behind me (kinda) my youngest man child (Dylon) has hooked me up with this new group The Weepies. I just love their folk-styled music. I am not to hip on this puppet music video, but I do love the words. Get past the puppets and listen with your eyes closed. I think you will love it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anderson Cooper and Chicken

Last night I along with my beautiful wife were in the last stages of our day preparing for the much needed sleep that comes from toiling during the sunshine. We are watching Anderson Cooper 360 as I have quickly tired of the "sky is falling" information related to the first 100 days and the NYSE. We both laughed after watching the following clips. I in my subtle under-the-breath-body-shaking and Jill in her boisterous manner. We were remembering a recent trip to the local KFC in which I had a hankering for some fried chicken only to be greeted along with the lunch time rush with "we are out of chicken!" Now, I'll try to avoid the obvious dissertation as to why KFC (which is an acrostic for Kentucky Fried CHICKEN) should never run out of chicken. I suppose I could see why one would want to call 911 and then go home and make some brownies.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wives and Daughters

OK - here I am after two weeks and ready to post. I really can't try to rationalize why it has taken so long but I will drone on a bit about my schedule. My time here at our church, which also happens to be my paying gig has significantly increase. And, at the same time as I roll-off several of the boards I currently serve on and/or reduce my involvement I still struggle a bit with the best and maximum use of my time. Meetings, planning sessions and operational discussions tend to take their toll on the hours within a day.

This weekend I had a great time with Jill in the metroplex. I am a big fan of the Hotwire.com ability to get a 4 star hotel for almost a hand-shake and we hit that on this little trip. A great stay a the Hyatt Regency and if were not for the $30 breakfast I let myself get sucked into our total outlay would have been negligible for the overnight excursion. The primary purpose of the trip was for Jill to speak at the end-of-the-overnight "purity" event for Erica's (my daughter) youth group. I will just be upfront at how proud I am with both of them. Erica has developed a great group of kids at a start-up church in Justin, Texas. Justin is a town just north of Ft. Worth and right behind the enormous-gihugic (gie-huge-ic) Texas Motor Speedway just off of I35W. Their little church meets in a work-out gym. As you can see her group is diverse and really loves and shows that love to Erica. One can tell she loves them and is authentically concerned for them and their families. I am so proud that as she works part-time within this ministry and that it is one that pays dividends far beyond the monetary remuneration (I think that is a word - I'm also sure Kirk or someone will let me know if it is not.)
At the dinner Jill told stories and encouraged kids and their parents to be aware of the various personalities that exist within the family structure. Then, as we are aware of those personalities let our spiritual selves rise to the top and let great things happen in our lives. Jill is good - I know she is my wife and the love-of-my-life but she just has a way of connecting with people and letting that quick relationship speak to people and the needs at hand.

God has blessed me - may God bless you too!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Discussions and Friends

In my current situation related to work I find myself attending a great of meetings. I have learned quickly that if you wrap some of them around a food component that their "enjoyable quotient" rises significantly. I will readily admit that I love discussions and all they can bring including knowledge and growth both intellectually and spiritually. Friendships and the Internet are amazing sources of dialogue. Donna Burns Posey, Lisa Camp, Paul Irby and Kirk Scott are four of my favorites. Each deal with issues and create some great prose that I personally think could easily rival the national writings of many less eloquent though read more predominantly in cyber-world. And now my brother Barri is on the blog-world. He just started but I know will not lack for something to say. I see each of these most regularly on Facebook but true joy is when they take a moment to think and pen their thoughts.

Finding ways to express ones-self and put it out for all to learn and grow (whether right or wrong) is tough. I am going to rest here a bit with Kirk for a moment. Kirk and I met while in High School and oddly enough slapping Whoppers together at the local Burger King - as we attended different High Schools here in the gateway to the Texas Hill Country. Our bond was quick and as recent little get-togethers have shown, long-lasting. Kirk has an absolutely beautiful family (as you can see by the posted picture). I find myself missing strong healthy long-friendship talks about nothing and everything. Kirk lives smack-dab in the middle of the Texas Hill County (Austin) which is just a bit too-far a drive for a dinner and/or lunch together.

This moment of rambling about a great friend really shows the need to quality relationships in our lives whether it be sittin' in the chair beside us at church or at a keyboard thousands of miles away in Florida.

I just love friends and discussions!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Smile and Mother Teresa

I was thinking today of authentic Christianity - what that looked like and specifically what my part would look like. Some were talking to me of my wife Jill and how she has the ability to light up a room with a smile and great banter. Then I found the transcript of Mother Teresa's acceptance speech related to the Nobel Peace prize of 1979. This is only a portion of the transcript - but it is poignant. Enjoy - be blessed!

And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something. So you pray for our Sisters and for me and for our Brothers, and for our Co-Workers that are around the world. That we may remain faithful to the gift of God, to love Him and serve Him in the poor together with you. What we have done we should not have been able to do if you did not share with your prayers, with your gifts, this continual giving. But I don’t want you to give me from your abundance, I want that you give me until it hurts.

The other day I received 15 dollars from a man who has been on his back for twenty years, and the only part that he can move is his right hand. And the only companion that he enjoys is smoking. And he said to me: I do not smoke for one week, and I send you this money. It must have been a terrible sacrifice for him, but see how beautiful, how he shared, and with that money I bought bread and I gave to those who are hungry with a joy on both sides, he was giving and the poor were receiving. This is something that you and I - it is a gift of God to us to be able to share our love with others. And let it be as it was for Jesus. Let us love one another as he loved us. Let us love Him with undivided love. And the joy of loving Him and each other - let us give now - that Christmas is coming so close. Let us keep that joy of loving Jesus in our hearts. And share that joy with all that we come in touch with. And that radiating joy is real, for we have no reason not to be happy because we have no Christ with us. Christ in our hearts, Christ in the poor that we meet, Christ in the smile that we give and the smile that we receive. Let us make that one point: That no child will be unwanted, and also that we meet each other always with a smile, especially when it is difficult to smile.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leading or Walking Along Side

I find myself in a place within ministry that is fairly unfamiliar territory in my current church position. As I think, pray, seek to understand it is definitely a new place for me. Now, I have been in the 2nd position on a church staff before where the Senior Pastor has left the church and the church (the people) look to me for accomplishments of task but here at Southside it just really seems different. One significant difference is probably that I am 10 years older than the last time this took place and 21 years older than the first time this dynamic happened. Our church is just a wonderful grouping of people wanting to talk, share and minister to others and themselves but at the same time really open to support its paid staff in either leading or walking-along-side of them on this spiritual journey.

Currently we are preparing ourselves for the Easter season. Our facilities have been built and designed to hold 150 people (in a traditional sense.) Our Easter preparations are going to be for 800+ it looks like and this is going to take some work, planning and admininininining. (That last word is probably not a word.) This is kinda cool to see people light up at reaching out to others that have either never consider their spiritual life or it has been a long time sense they consider spirituality. I am looking for myself some inspirational "stuff" that will help me help others in this process. "Unchurched" that is, don't know if I really want feedback on "The Shack".
My daughter, Erica's church is doing a bit of a study on the book Unchristian so I am in a read of this literature. Just finishing up "The Shack" and it challenged me in many ways and yes, I found it enjoyable. If you are reading or have read this, give me your thoughts.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

American Idol - What are they thinking!?!

I will admit I am a watcher, laugh er, "ooo & ahhhher" of American Idol. I still just get baffled at the personalities, talent (or lack there-of) that gets placed on national TV. Even watching the judges (whom do appear a bit less drunk this year) gasp at what comes out of someone's mouth is just very humorous to me.

Now - let's get a bit philosophical. Knowing full-well some just want the attention, let's skip over them and look at the ones that honestly have a perspective of themselves that is not shared by the mass public. What are they thinking? Am I so in my own little paradigm that my understanding of their perspective is not rational? For me to laugh, sometimes giggle for minutes, stop then giggle again and still just not believe that someone can have such a poor, clear understanding of their abilities in vocalization.

Well - now here I am questioning being philosophical over American Idol. I need a break and my desk certainly needs some attention.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Finally Back

Since mid-November the holidays have been all over the place along with additional "happenings" that kept sucking up time, energy and sometimes a spirit but 2009 is here and I think I'm ready. Just a couple of thoughts then I hope to be regular at this blogging stuff beginning next week. This Sunday our church says "good-bye" to our lead pastor of almost 7 years. He has been an amazing component to the literal transformation of a Family of Faith here in Brownwood. He (and Becky) will certainly be missed by many, including myself.

Our family just got back from a Christmas Trip/Vacation to Wichita, Kansas where my second father and mother (my wife's parents) live. After the initial travel which also happen to be on Christmas Eve following a candlelight-worship-communion service we arrived at our destination at 5:00 AM and I was TOAST! Thursday was physically rough but emotionally very rewarding. It snowed while we were there, we celebrated Dylon's 17th and Erica's 21st birthdays which was a joy. We got to rekindle some great family moments, worship at the church were Jill and I were married almost 25 years ago and just had a great time. The pictures are of that little trip. I know that Christmas for Christians is about the birth of the Savior and I don't want to minimize that at all - but, how wonderful it was to love, laugh, travel, eat, play and worship with family during this season. I am Blessed!