Monday, April 27, 2009

Sigur Rós and Memories

Jill has started a new job and needed to spend a week in Dallas for orientation and I got to go up on Thursday spend the evening and we were together on Friday/Saturday. We also spent some time with Erica and Dexter and one of the coolest things is how conversations with 21 & 22 year-old children is vastly different from when they were in Jr. & Sr. High. I can often just almost get misty-eyed thinking and pondering how time passes and great seasons of life are now history. One doesn't always know the greatness of a moment when one is experiencing the moment but retrospect always put these "moments" into perspective.

Well, Dexter just placed a link to this Sigur Ros YouTUBE on his facebook status. I do not speak the language but the 9 minute piece is certainly worth a listen. I had to turn my volume way up to get all of the subtleties of this work - but it is good, very good! Enjoy!

Sigur Rós are an Icelandic post-rock band with melodic, classical, and minimalist elements. The band is known for its ethereal sound and lead singer Jónsi Birgisson's falsetto voice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what he is singing but for some reason this song makes me feel sad.