Monday, October 27, 2008

Ranting Again

I will admit that it took me a bit to get to the original author here - but I did. John Henson's bloged this on October 22nd and which led me to Todd Rhoades and then finally to Gabe Lyons who co-authored the book "unChristian." The survey was of non-Christians aged 16-29 years old that were asked, “What is your current perception of Christianity?”
91% said anti homosexual
87% said judgmental
85% said hypocritical
78% said old-fashioned
75% said too involved in politics
72% said out of touch with reality
70% said insensitive to others
68% said boring
64% said not accepting of other faiths
61% said confusing

Here is Gabe Lyons in an interview.

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, October 23, 2008


10+ years ago I remember my response to the election of Bill Clinton. I was devastated - seriously my stomach was hurting and I had a painful headache. I remember it very clearly, I even remember talking with Jill about the horror of the coming years and all of the evil that would be coming our way. Now, I jump ahead to the 21st century and my reflection on politics-its place in our spiritual walk and thinking in my own personal life. It's different - profoundly.

I will say that I have grown weary of "the news." I am tired of hearing about polls - their validity vs. distortion. The on-going rationalization from people as to why we should be looking at a particular candidate from a particular perspective. Oh, and one of my particular favorites "he's lying!"

Well - now that I am a ripe 45 year-old husband, father and U.S. citizen that has a mind of his own and desires spiritual "stuff" in my life and for people to discover spiritual "stuff" in their own lives my perspective has a different slant. I honestly believe that we Christians can not let whomever our fearless leader of the United States may be dictate our faith, beliefs and relationship with God. As a point of historical reference - we see (at least in the printed records) Christians much stronger in their walk with God during periods of trials and struggles. Scriptures speak of how our faith is manifested through our response to "hard times" whatever they may be.

Talking this morning with a co-minister we pondered many a thought on this issue. In John 19 and the first part of verse 11 Jesus is speaking to Pilot, after being arrested and taking to him - Jesus says: "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above..." Matthew Henry comments on this verse in this way: "As reminding him that his power in general, as a magistrate, was a limited power, and he could do no more than God would suffer him to do. God is the fountain of power; and the powers that are, as they are ordained by him and derived from him, so they are subject to him. They ought to go no further than his law directs them; they can go no further than his providence permits them."

Now most will view Matthew Henry as a conservative theologian and thus my reason for using his quote. God is in control - irregardless of the head poobaaa of the United States' views on issues and society. Our ability to have an authentic personal relationship with God should not be determined by anyone else.

So, though I am tired of the news - I am going to try and not let it dictate my daily walk and desires within my spiritual life and what it brings to me and those that I come into contact with on a regular basis. Scriptures teach it's not healthy. I pray I can learn something today!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Impacts of People - Don Martin

Have you even had one of those people come in-and-out of your life that just seems to leave a significant impact but - you just can't seem to put a finger on "why" they are leaving that impact? Then - the light bulb comes on. Well, Don Martin is one of those people for me. Don was my Chemistry teacher in High School (class of '81), he was a coach in Football, Basketball, Golf and probably others. In educational circles Don completed his little 50+ year stint as the superintendent of schools here in Brownwood. He hired people and placed them into positions that would eventually lead to the Brownwood ISD being one of the most recognized districts, not only for sports but specifically in educational instruction in the State of Texas. After retiring from education he (and his wife Betty w/ other partners) proceeded to invest what was probably a sizable amount of money into our historic downtown district in the area of fine visual arts. Then after a period found out that he had cancer in the brain.

The impact for me (other than the obvious) clicked today as I attended his memorial service, read the scriptures he loved and taught, sang the music of the church he enjoyed and listened to stories and impacts that he was a part of and made. Don lived his faith in ways that were subtle but obviously very significant. One does not often get to meet genuineness in the form of people on this earth that have invested in one's life (and others) in those formative early adolescent years as well as transitional adult years in positive and productive ways. Don Martin was one of those people.

I left the service today inspired to be an honest, authentic man of faith that desires to let the Spirit use him. Now, there is a legacy. Thank you Don!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cool Weather & Soup

It is October in Texas and that usually means you do not know what the weather will be from day to day. I know that last night we received 2.5 inches of rain and I did not even see rain in the forecast. I looked forward today (via my iPhone weather planner) and noticed that on Sunday the high temperature is to be 69 degrees. I am ready for soup! Thursday I am preparing our Women's Lunch meal that will include a potato soup with cheese, scallions and fresh veggies from a chicken broth base. Where has the year gone?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jim Brickman and Weddings

I get the privilege of playing at my sister-in-law's wedding this weekend. She has given me freedom to select the music literature for the event. She also provided some selections she loves (at my request) by Jim Brickman. I must say I have a similar simplistic style of playing as Mr. Brickman though I obviously am not on the same "playing field" so-too-speak.

So, I got my iphone out (as close as I will probably get to a Mac) and downloaded a rump-full of selections from Mr. Brickman. As I was going through some old post - this music in the background, I found myself pictured in a soap opera, you know with the music playing upon every dramatic moment. Give this a try - find some of Brickman's music (I have provided a sample here) and look through some old photographs. You'll feel the love - I promise. Oops! Now I sound like a politician. What could you do with 700 BILLION? I just have to go now!!!!