Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jim Brickman and Weddings

I get the privilege of playing at my sister-in-law's wedding this weekend. She has given me freedom to select the music literature for the event. She also provided some selections she loves (at my request) by Jim Brickman. I must say I have a similar simplistic style of playing as Mr. Brickman though I obviously am not on the same "playing field" so-too-speak.

So, I got my iphone out (as close as I will probably get to a Mac) and downloaded a rump-full of selections from Mr. Brickman. As I was going through some old post - this music in the background, I found myself pictured in a soap opera, you know with the music playing upon every dramatic moment. Give this a try - find some of Brickman's music (I have provided a sample here) and look through some old photographs. You'll feel the love - I promise. Oops! Now I sound like a politician. What could you do with 700 BILLION? I just have to go now!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's see...a rump-full. Is that anything like a buttload? Snort'nsnicker...:^).