Thursday, October 23, 2008


10+ years ago I remember my response to the election of Bill Clinton. I was devastated - seriously my stomach was hurting and I had a painful headache. I remember it very clearly, I even remember talking with Jill about the horror of the coming years and all of the evil that would be coming our way. Now, I jump ahead to the 21st century and my reflection on politics-its place in our spiritual walk and thinking in my own personal life. It's different - profoundly.

I will say that I have grown weary of "the news." I am tired of hearing about polls - their validity vs. distortion. The on-going rationalization from people as to why we should be looking at a particular candidate from a particular perspective. Oh, and one of my particular favorites "he's lying!"

Well - now that I am a ripe 45 year-old husband, father and U.S. citizen that has a mind of his own and desires spiritual "stuff" in my life and for people to discover spiritual "stuff" in their own lives my perspective has a different slant. I honestly believe that we Christians can not let whomever our fearless leader of the United States may be dictate our faith, beliefs and relationship with God. As a point of historical reference - we see (at least in the printed records) Christians much stronger in their walk with God during periods of trials and struggles. Scriptures speak of how our faith is manifested through our response to "hard times" whatever they may be.

Talking this morning with a co-minister we pondered many a thought on this issue. In John 19 and the first part of verse 11 Jesus is speaking to Pilot, after being arrested and taking to him - Jesus says: "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above..." Matthew Henry comments on this verse in this way: "As reminding him that his power in general, as a magistrate, was a limited power, and he could do no more than God would suffer him to do. God is the fountain of power; and the powers that are, as they are ordained by him and derived from him, so they are subject to him. They ought to go no further than his law directs them; they can go no further than his providence permits them."

Now most will view Matthew Henry as a conservative theologian and thus my reason for using his quote. God is in control - irregardless of the head poobaaa of the United States' views on issues and society. Our ability to have an authentic personal relationship with God should not be determined by anyone else.

So, though I am tired of the news - I am going to try and not let it dictate my daily walk and desires within my spiritual life and what it brings to me and those that I come into contact with on a regular basis. Scriptures teach it's not healthy. I pray I can learn something today!

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