Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anderson Cooper and Chicken

Last night I along with my beautiful wife were in the last stages of our day preparing for the much needed sleep that comes from toiling during the sunshine. We are watching Anderson Cooper 360 as I have quickly tired of the "sky is falling" information related to the first 100 days and the NYSE. We both laughed after watching the following clips. I in my subtle under-the-breath-body-shaking and Jill in her boisterous manner. We were remembering a recent trip to the local KFC in which I had a hankering for some fried chicken only to be greeted along with the lunch time rush with "we are out of chicken!" Now, I'll try to avoid the obvious dissertation as to why KFC (which is an acrostic for Kentucky Fried CHICKEN) should never run out of chicken. I suppose I could see why one would want to call 911 and then go home and make some brownies.

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