Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mondays - on Tuesday

Here I am at 7:00 AM on a Tuesday sensing that I need to start my week over and wishing it were Monday. (Thus the video in the post!) We had an incredible day at church yesterday. It has always been a tough for me to elevate one particular worship time over another because when I really ponder what each service brings to the seeker and Christ-follower, how one service impresses an individual may be completely different to another. Yesterday we hosted numbers that are usually reserved for Easter & Christmas. During the worship time one of our Teaching Pastors - Tim Stary, spoke from the Book of Mark. To make a short sermon even shorter - he simply spoke to how the "big" miracle in our lives as Christ-followers is simply the living of our life that shows Christ as God/Savior. Then some exceptionally brave people from our church family wrote a simple statement on a piece of cardboard of their life and how the spiritual journey with Christ has manifested itself. This was simple - not unique, but a first for us at Southside. People had an opportunity to experience the awe and wonder of lives that have been transformed and be encouraged to live a life of purpose and discovery.

Now, here is my Monday - a constant stream of phone calls, emails and personal visits from people expressing their appreciation for the worship time on Sunday. Probably one of the least - and yet most productive days I have ever experienced. I realize that I may sound a bit dramatic but literally all day long people were speaking of worship and what it was to them. Though I was only 1 of a team of no-less than 25 people - I was the recipient of such great encouragement and appreciation.

Well, I still have an immense amount of work to accomplish and need to get 16 hours of work completed on a Tuesday. There is a blessing there - I know it!

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