Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leading or Walking Along Side

I find myself in a place within ministry that is fairly unfamiliar territory in my current church position. As I think, pray, seek to understand it is definitely a new place for me. Now, I have been in the 2nd position on a church staff before where the Senior Pastor has left the church and the church (the people) look to me for accomplishments of task but here at Southside it just really seems different. One significant difference is probably that I am 10 years older than the last time this took place and 21 years older than the first time this dynamic happened. Our church is just a wonderful grouping of people wanting to talk, share and minister to others and themselves but at the same time really open to support its paid staff in either leading or walking-along-side of them on this spiritual journey.

Currently we are preparing ourselves for the Easter season. Our facilities have been built and designed to hold 150 people (in a traditional sense.) Our Easter preparations are going to be for 800+ it looks like and this is going to take some work, planning and admininininining. (That last word is probably not a word.) This is kinda cool to see people light up at reaching out to others that have either never consider their spiritual life or it has been a long time sense they consider spirituality. I am looking for myself some inspirational "stuff" that will help me help others in this process. "Unchurched" that is, don't know if I really want feedback on "The Shack".
My daughter, Erica's church is doing a bit of a study on the book Unchristian so I am in a read of this literature. Just finishing up "The Shack" and it challenged me in many ways and yes, I found it enjoyable. If you are reading or have read this, give me your thoughts.


Paul said...

I read "The Shack" and evaluate it on two levels. The first is as a piece of literature. As literature, I believe the book was only average. Much of the dialogue seemed campy and scenes were choppy and at times forced. The second level of evaluation is what it seeks to illustrate about God. On this level, I thought the book was excellent. It challenged my thinking as well as reinforced much of my theology. I had no problem with the "forms" God assumed in the book, as many people seem to have. One of my favorite parts of the book was the breakfast table discussion of the trinity and how God relates to Himself. Beautiful picture of relationships in general. Another great excerpt was the "walking on water" conversation Jesus had with Mac about living in the present. I have read this excerpt to a couple of clients who really struggle with depression and each one is weeping by the end of the reading. Good stuff.

Unknown said...

Thus says The Lord: The light has gone out of the churches of men! Therefore I, even I, have removed all candlesticks from their places, and shall not return them again until the time is fulfilled, when all these men in authority humble themselves and seek MY face and MY glory... And turn from the glory of men.
