Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marriage - 25 Years!

25 years ago today I remember staying at a close friends house, Michael Dove in the last week of preparations for mine and Jill's wedding. I remember going to see the movie "Ghost Busters" as well as traveling back and forth from Winfield, Kansas to Whitewater, Kansas passing by an Air Force Base and seeing fields of corn while thinking about what guys would be thinking about during the drive. I remember planning a day for the guys at the water park, including the pastor of the ceremonies that I would later regret as everyone but myself had never removed their shirts in public (we were very good, modest Baptist) and ended up red as a fire truck during the wedding ceremony.

As I type these words I just think of how blessed I am to have had a beautiful, supportive wife of 25 years. This previous statement should not lead you to think that our lives together have been rosey and "smooth." Jill and I both have type "A" personalities which can lead to colorful and vibrant conversation at times. We were both raised in conservative families but there is enough differences in our "history" to really test our togetherness related to parenting at times. We have three great kids that are all healthy and stable irregardless of our parenting skills. I know that I do not think as I thought and my take on life and love have grown and matures over the past 25 years, but she still loves me. I do not look the same and can be a pain to tolerate at times, yet she still loves me.

We are going to go on a little trip for our 25th anniversary which will technically be our first significant trip together with just us. We still have one in college that continues to have vehicle issues and one in High School that still has (well, we'll just avoid this thread of conversation.) So, money can still be tight, maybe not as tight as the diaper, formula years - but you get my jest. I am so looking forward to this time together. Just know this, the journey is worth it! How's that for philosophizing?


Anonymous said...

Congratuations you'ins. Sure wish that tiny picture was larger. Anymore it's slightly amazing when people can grow, change and progress and STILL love each other. So be proud. Irregardless, Eric? Don't make me call the grammar police!

sethandbecca said...

Congrats! Great words of wisdom!
Have a wonderful trip...

Christian said...

Haha. "Colorful and vibrant". I really like this post.