Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Road Trip Day 2

We started out a little slow, but on trips like this - does is really matter? Our hotel is directly beside a "Buck Fee" usually known as a Starbuck Coffee. As Dylon slept in I took a moment(s) to just continue trying to decompress - not an easy trait for me. I am seeing this as a more and more important component as time passes. ON with the trip - we were up and out of the hotel by 10:30 and off to get some sun screen (something not used by my body in several years +) and some water for the beach. With a quick trip through the Jack In The Box (we always select places to eat that do not exist in Brownwood) and being very proud of myself for selecting the fajita pita (12 grams fat with a whole-wheat pita and fresh veggies) we headed south to the Gulf. The late morning-afternoon was great. Watching the birds dive into the ocean, Dylon building sand-castles and just sitting and thinking and for a period of time sleeping. My body feels the places that were missed with the 50 SPF - part of my need to get back into yoga! We got back to the hotel around 6:00 freshened up and headed to The Main Event. This place is huge and with the Michael Jackson, Cher and yes some hot little mid-70's Disco videos screaming over the black-light drench bowling alley complete with computer screens for scoring purposes it was an enjoyable evening. We also got to play some of Jill's favorite game "skee ball." I have pictures but some issues with this computer is prohibiting their posting.

Because of the nature of this trip and timing I chose today to do a word search on "rest" during my Bible time and Matthew 11: popped up along with this reading for me 28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." I do not believe that I am "worn" or "burned-out" on religion - but the entire chapter was interesting and at the very least so applicable to so much within my realm of influence. If you have a chance I would love some feedback on this chapter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, for a minute there I thought you were about to diss Starbucks and, having just given up my beloved caffeine a little over a week ago, I just wasn’t sure if I could stand by and take that. What? You’re right behind a Starbucks and you haven’t yet written about venturing in to get a cranberry orange scone for breakfast? Dylon, please have a talk with your dad. And Dylon, I hope you know how lucky you are that your Dad wants to spend time with you!

Anyway, I don’t know what version you’re quoting from here but it got me. I have to admit I’m in one of those cloudy times right now when I think if I hear one more Christianized cliché I think I’m going to throw stones at someone.

You talked in your last post about the facilitator at Willow who warned against doing ministry “from memory”. I was thinking about something similar in my own life. A few nights ago as I lay praying, it occurred to me that I know that I often pray through the list of needs of people I know, desires of my heart, while of course starting out by thanking God for all that he’s already done, all that he is, etc. being careful to utilize the set of prayer rules that I know by heart, being careful to remember all the people to whom I’ve uttered the words “well you’ll be in our prayers”, and its hits me! When is the last time I prayed just to draw near to Him? Or just because my heart’s desire is to know Him better? When is the last time I chose prayer over some common form of escape – mindless TV watching, reading some meaningless magazine, surfing the net for who knows what?

Why is it that my spiritual life is always the first thing to suffer from these periods of funk?