Monday, July 21, 2008

24 Years

On Sunday, Jill and I celebrated our 24th anniversary and yes we went to church, had lunch with friends (my mom's Sunday lunch was not available due to their little trip to Colorado) and last night we went to see Mama Mia. I had not seen the Broadway Show and so my expectations were minimal but over all it was ok - other than hearing Pierce Brosnan sing, that was just disturbing. But, I digress this is not a blog about Mama...or Pierce it is about my beautiful wife. She has grown more beautiful over the years and I am still amazed that she puts up with me, at least most of the time. Jill loves her kids and has been a great mom and works hard on our home and to help pay for it! What more can a man ask? She rarely, if ever reads this blog so I posted a recent pic of her - just to help prove my point! I love her and look forward to 25+ years ahead.


Anonymous said...

Wow, with the silver anniversary one year away, I guess this makes you guys "lifers" right? Congratulations!

Lisa said...

Congratulations you two. Glad you're part of the family, Eric... wouldn't be the same without you. :o)