Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Been A Month

This will be short:
  • Have heart-attack
  • Merry Christmas
  • Happy New Year
  • Daughter's wedding
  • Be told by Doctor to slow down after you already feel you are at a crawl.....
  • Blog
I am so trying not to whine and be like a major-league basketball player from Dallas - but, I continue to struggle with just purposefully not doing "stuff." Here are some thoughts that I believe are worthy of me noting to myself.
  1. Food can taste good with significantly less salt, especially if you pre-plan the preparation and ingredients.
  2. Friends and family want to help accomplish task if you let them.
  3. Laundry always exists.
  4. The dog really does sleep all day.
  5. Wal*Mart is at the top of a hill and all needed items are placed at the rear of the store.
  6. A gallon of milk weighs more than you might think.
  7. Your bank account does not care if you have been ill.
  8. The world around you will continue regardless of your station in life.
  9. Anticipating a particular type of weather just because you iPhone app says too is probably being to presumptuous.
  10. Even TV gets old.
OK - now with all that here is something wise: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5


Unknown said...

Ok. Well, just do what they say for now. Get better.

Wow. Heart attack.

Unknown said...

Thus says The Lord: The light has gone out of the churches of men! Therefore I, even I, have removed all candlesticks from their places, and shall not return them again until the time is fulfilled, when all these men in authority humble themselves and seek MY face and MY glory... And turn from the glory of men.
