Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hitting the Deer - Again!

We have been back in Brownwood now for right at 10 years. Hard to believe but true. This past weekend I finished one of those 3week marathon's of "to-do's" and "events" and "pressure-to-perform related activities" that needed immediate attention every moment of your waking day. So I was thinking - and had been thinking about a myriad of topics I wanted to blog about and give some sharp-tongue dialogue during this holiday oops - Christmas season. But alas, my morning today started early with Dylon needing to be at the band hall by 7:00 AM. Did I mention it also happens to be 25 degrees here just north of the equator {I am sure there is some sarcastic words about global warming I could inject but I will forgo that} and I am exhausted after the previous three weeks (referenced above) and picking Dylon up at midnight last night from a basketball trip? Well, needless to say my response time is probably somewhere equal to several gallons of liquor entering my body during a short period of time. [Once again that sarcasm may be leaking out.]
Results, I hit my 10th deer during my 10th year. Where has the time gone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet your insurance company loves you! Sounds like you've started your very own Christmas tradition, now ten years running. (Sorry about the deer pun).