Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Warren Obama McCain

I watched (actually bounced - TiVo between this and the olympics, etc) Rick Warren interview Barrack Obama and John McCain this past week. I wanted to read some non-biased reviews of the event and found one via John Henson-Wondering Thoughts at Salon.com. I was fascinated at the entire process as well as the interviews themselves. In our Deep South island we tend to live on - Warren has taken quite-a-few jabs at even having someone like Obama in the church building. Personally I find this baffling. I wonder what we are so afraid of in our Christian circles. If our minds and beliefs can be "swayed" or "duped" by listening to anybody our walk has to be pretty shallow. I personally believe that our faith in Jesus Christ and what He brings to our lives is strengthened by diversity and opened minds. Let us all hold hands, kiss and bask in the love!! OK - maybe I just quoted a Coke commercial - but maybe you get my drift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really get the fear either and I have to tell you if I read one more ridiculous comment in the Brownwood Bulletin that alludes to Obama the Muslim based on that ridiculous email that went around a year or so ago, I am just going to scream. Seriously, is this how we now educate ourselves?