Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day!

It has been awhile! I did not realize how tired I would be during the trip to Chicago and as you noticed - updates were non-existent. I write about the trip tomorrow but today - it's Father's Day. The pic is of my dad at the dinner table - traditional Sunday lunch with Braised-Roasted Beef with mashed potatoes, corn, hot rolls and gravy - OOOOOH the gravy!! We finished it off with Jill making (from scratch) a fantastic German Chocolate cake. This thing apparently took 3 hours of prep in addition to the baking time. It was wonderful.

My dad - a man of integrity, love and humbleness. What more could a kid ask for? I love him and admire him as much if nor more than any man I know. I am blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Fathers Day tribute - you're lucky to have a dad like him. As you know this is not a day I hold in high regard. I do find it sad that probably one of America's greatest examples of both a son and father passed away this past week. I will miss Tim Russert on television. Have you read his book, Big Russ and Me? I'd love to know what that's like.