Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's OK to be tired - Isn't It?

I googled "exhausted" - (which I will readily admit can be dangerous if you do not have a filter in place) and found this interesting picture. We got home last night from a good time meeting so many family members and friends from my Aunt Claudia's funeral service. The driving can make you tired, the emotions can make you tired even the "thinking" from trying to remember people's names can make you tired. As I arrived home I was going to take what I thought would be a "minute" to check email, read the online paper, etc. After seeing that I had 200 new emails I just shut the thing down. It was exhausting to think about all of that!!

Now that I have arrived at the office I am looking at the schedule and thinking - the "thinking" alone is getting me tired! School is almost out, summer programs are quickly ramping up for the church, community and family. I personally enjoy 88% of everything I do (I will not reveal the 12% I do not enjoy) and often find many physical and mental rewards for investing my time/energy into "stuff." But, today - not feeling it so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exhausted is okay. There you have it. I just got through an "exhausted stretch" myself, so you have my permission to be exhausted. I'll offer up a prayer for energy and zeal for you, Eric. Tired can be unfun. Happy Day!